State Benefits - Are you eligible to claim?
The range of benefits and a person’s eligibility to receive these from the State is an ever-changing and complex topic.
It is important that you seek expert advice in order to ensure that you are receiving all of the State Benefits that you are entitled to.
There are a number of benefits and allowances available to those requiring care, whether this is being received in a care environment such as a care home, or in your own home. Some benefits depend on your financial circumstances (also referred to as “means-tested”), and some depend on your general need for care, such as Attendance Allowance.
It is also important to ensure that you are receiving the benefits that you are entitled to even if you do not need care ie Pension Credit, as this can have a large effect on your income and entitlement to other, associated benefits such as Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.
Later Life Consultants have extensive knowledge and experience regarding the range of benefits available for older people and first-hand experience of the appropriate forms and information required in order to submit a claim.
We can assist you with obtaining the appropriate forms, their completion and submission on your behalf to ensure that matters run smoothly.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further information about this service.